Saturday 3 March 2007

Preparations for half a year

- welcome - bienvenido -

Thanks for reading these lines.
This is the beginning of a voyage.

Please do not think: "Right, I heard this bxxx in every esoteric book from 1968 onwards..."
Here there one is a different, a more direct connection between travelling distances and scrolling over lines and pages... maybe even reading them.

I will be going to Mexico from 4th April to 15th September, maybe longer, who knows, and I will try to give a literary (not a literal) account of what I experience.

Right now I have very little plans. I know that I have to go into the desert, as every man should once in his lifetime. I want to get on a vulcano, even if it is only a spent one ;) And I am really looking forward to see the Mayan temples in the jungle.
I will meet a friend of mine from South Tyrol. His name is Stefan Stecher and he is a fabulous painter. As he spends a few month of every year in Mexico I am really looking forward to meet him in his second home country. Furthermore I will hopefully and most probably meet some very interesting people from Mexico's lively and exciting literary scene! I am really looking forward to these encounters too!
Last but not least I would like to get permission to visit Cuba and maybe go to Jamaica too, but this only if the inner calling gets stronger.

For the time being I am taking my leave from Bavaria and from Northern Italy in order to become a walking man.